Triffle orderd by Kumari...triffle ni sedap co's ada 3 layered...first layerd covered with mocha swiss roll...second layered is the custard sos and spread with the mix fruit cocktail and the topping is strawberry jelly...yummy...
Strawberry cuppies ni Nazlin yang request...actually Nazlin requested for Garden cuppies yang penah ada dalam blog ni...tapi something happened on friday masa nak buat buttercream...icing dalam mixer xboleh nak double up..makkk...icing jadi lembik...cair....tensionnnyaaaa...mixer xboleh nak pukul saturday pepagi lagi tunggu kedai bukak...memula tu ingat nak beli mixer yang sedang2 aje...tapi end up the conventional mixer...puas tu hantar mixer dah pukul 12...cuppies nak pakai pukul 3...memang kelam kabut...sebab dari pagi uruskan mixer...kek pun xsempat bakar...that is why cuppies strawberry ni aje yang paling cepat boleh dibuat dari patern lain...and i reach Ampang Bowl (IPOH PARADE) to deliver this cuppies to all my junior 1974 MGS...hope all of u like it...
Cuppies ni ordered by Siti untuk tunang tersayang...Siti ni dikenalkan oleh Wan Teh Hanisa(my schoolmate...thanks wan)'s a chocolate moist with buttercream frosting... Siti yang request colour and patern...she wanted a red motorbike...a "bee" with "honey" pot that describe both Siti as "Honey" and her fiance as "Bee"... He..he...i had difficulties drawing the motorbike...sooooo....Hubby did the motorbike for me...thanks hubby...a credit goes to u...
Mix cheese tart ordered by Anne for her kids...Anne ni memang peminat cheese tart...biasanya Anne nak blueberry aje...tapi kali ni Anne setuju untuk mix..thanks Anne for ur continuous support...
Emmm...cupppies BEN 10 ni ordered by hubby's fren...Shafinaz(macam nak sama lak nama kita ek)...Hubby silap dengar cuppies ni Shafinaz nak hari selasa...rupa-rupanya Shafinaz call cakap nak malam ni jugak(isnin)....warghhhhh...makkk...terus jadi a bit la...balik kerja sampai rumah dah pukul 6 lebih....baru nak bakar kek...kena tunggu kek sejuk baru boleh buat frosting...Shafinaz call balik cakap dia tak akan tidur nak tunggu kek sampai...aduhai...tepat pukul 11 sampai rumah Shafinaz...anak dia pun x tidr nak tunggu la hasil keje kelam kabut dan memang x berapa nak reti lukih BEN 10 kecik2...memacam rupa ada...anak yang bongsu cakap..."Mummy...kenapa muka BEN 10 ni macam hantu"....warghhhhh...lagi la Shafinaz...this is all that i can do in limited time...Hubby banyak bantu lukih Ben 10 ni jugak...
150 cuppies ni requested by Kak Roslina Amin...for her son's Majlis Aqiqah...Kak Ina dah pesan nak white icing and blue booties aje...actually Kak Ina orederd 100 cuppies aje...but on saturday evening she called minta tambah another 50...boleh aje...thanks kak ina...
What a nice name...this cuppies was requested by Erie (Public Bank)for his niece...Erie requested for few cartoons and mix patern...buntu betul bila bab cartoon ni...anyhow...thanks Erie...